Colleges are about to open, this is the time, when a new phase of your life will begin and you will get to enter an entire different world, which is a mix of education and fun. I know there must be so many thoughts going in your mind. What would happen, what would you wear, how will be the people there, what would the college environment like, how would the teachers behave, and would it be actually like a cool journey towards the achievement of your dream goal. There are a number of things, which a student goes through, before actually starting his first day in college.
So, to lessen and share the burden of thoughts pondering your mind, following are few of the things, which you should keep in mind, before entering your dream college:
Be positive: Being optimistic is the key to all problems. You need to be positive in your attitude, the way you talk, present things and approach people. A sign humbleness and respect should be reflected in your behaviour. You should not be very egoistic and must have that ability to turn the ball towards your court with your sweetness and majesticity.
Make your own style statement: Wear clothes you are comfortable in. One should not just copy and paste the latest trends on him, but should wear clothes, which suits their personality and which looks good on him. It’s not always necessary to be dressed the way others are dressing; in fact, you should have the ability to set examples for others.
Don’t be shy: Drop the attitude of being reserved and shy. Gone are the days, when people would approach you asking, who are you, where are you from, and etc. etc. Now-a-days, you need to step ahead and make a place for yourself in the cluster of the students present in the college. So be open and introduce yourself to others.
Thus, by following few of the above mantra’s you can control your nervousness and move ahead with the ticklish feeling of entering your dream college, and yes be confident and have a fantastic career ahead!